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Opening for Corey Hart

The Caruso Band with Corey Hart, 1987
L to R: Caruso Lead Guitarist Lee Thomas, Joe Caruso,
Dave Caruso, Corey Hart, Rob Caruso, Mike Caruso

Read the 1987 Review in the Toledo Blade


"I think this was at the Masonic Masonic auditorium in Toledo. The gig
came to us from Mike Novak at Brass Ring, who seemed to be interested in helping us. A better story and a terrific lesson, is that Donnie Greenhill, the janitor at Novak's building and a high school acquaintance of ours, hooked us up with Novak, who happened to be Bob Seger's attorney. The moral to the story: be nice to everyone, you never know who's going to help you out. Corey Hart was the nicest of any act we worked with."


"We were coming back from another road trip, traveling through Ohio.  University of Toledo.  I went into the auditorium with either Mike or Joe.  Corey's band was doing a sound check, but we couldn't find Corey.  He was down in the auditorium seats, listening to the sound check.  He saw us come in and sit down, and after awhile he walked over and asked us what we thought of the sound."

"Say...didn't you open for Corey Hart once in Toledo?  Of course you did, I was there. You guys rocked. Where can I get a copy of London? I wish you much success in your venture, after that Free Press article, VH1 will be knocking at your door. Hope you make a ton of money helping people."


Corey Hart Hits (Billboard)
Sunglasses at Night
(#7, 1984)
Never Surrender (#3, 1985)
Can't Help Falling In Love (#24, 1987)