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Opening for John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band

The CARUSO Band with John Cafferty, 1986

L to R: Rob Caruso (leaning in), Mike Caruso (sitting), Bradley Davenport
(standing, with cup), Joe Caruso, Cafferty Band Member, John Cafferty, Dave Caruso

"John was a real person and exactly like his working class image. We
were lucky to have a picture taken in the locker room or weight room of the school that hired us."


"I don't remember much about this 1986 show.  I did like the band, which was basically a very good Bruce Springsteen knockoff with original songs.  We covered 'On the Dark Side' (the theme from 'Eddie & The Cruisers') at several of our college shows during that year and it always went over big."

John Cafferty Hits (Billboard)
On the Dark Side
(#7, 1984)
Tough All Over (#22, 1985)
C-I-T-Y (#18, 1985)